Hey, I’m Hailey.

I’m a certified life coach who helps people around the world stop people-pleasing and master the art of self-advocacy.

The Self-Advocacy School is Hailey’s self-paced masterclass series that teaches you how to overcome people-pleasing, nurture a vibrant relationship with you, and stand up for yourself with conviction ⁠— all without losing the empathy that makes you who you are.

Featuring a comprehensive curriculum of 22 interactive coaching courses, deep-dive journaling reflections, and concrete action steps, The Self-Advocacy School equips you with all the tools you need to prioritize your own voice, needs, desires, and dreams.

Become your own best advocate ⚡️

Become your own best advocate ⚡️

Subscribe to my newsletter to get my free guide, Speaking Up For Yourself in 8 Steps.

The eight steps are a roadmap you can follow again and again as you practice standing up for yourself in your relationships with family members, partners, friends, and colleagues.

My Mission

Hey, I'm Hailey.

I spent many years over-giving to the point of exhaustion⁠, abandoning my needs for others’ comfort⁠, and staying in painfully imbalanced relationships. Trust me: I know how frustrating it is to feel like you don’t have a voice.

But mastering the art of self-advocacy is possible. As I learned how to speak up for myself and set empowered boundaries, I touched the deepest sense of self-respect and inner peace I’d ever known. Now, my mission is to help you do the same: because everyone deserves to feel like they’re in the driver’s seat of their own lives.

Hailey Magee

On the Blog